Video Modal Usage There are two options for playing a video in a modal. Both require some custom JavaScript. Option 1: Modal triggers Video Clicking a button calls a modal's show method. Custom JavaScript listens for the event and plays the video when it happens. Demo
Custom JavaScript <script> // Play the video on modal show, pause on hide const modal1 = document.querySelector('.js-modal-123'); const video1 = document.querySelector('.js-modal-video-123'); modal1.addEventListener('modal:show', function() {; }); modal1.addEventListener('modal:hide', function() { video1.pause(); }); </script> Option 2: Video triggers Modal Clicking a button calls a video's toggle method. Custom JavaScript listens for the event and opens the modal when it happens. Demo
Custom JavaScript <script> // Show modal on video toggle, pause on modal hide const modal2 = document.querySelector('.js-modal-456'); const video2 = document.querySelector('.js-modal-video-456'); video2.addEventListener('playing', function() {; }); modal2.addEventListener('modal:hide', function() { video2.pause(); }); </script> Debug Panel